Through home mail-in kits and subsidized costs, JScreen Detroit makes screening accessible to all.
Did you know the Jewish community is at a higher risk for carrying certain genetic diseases, including Gaucher disease (1 in 16), cystic fibrosis (1 in 27) and Tay-Sachs disease (1 in 30), among many others? Reproductive carrier screening can help determine your risk of having a child with an inherited genetic disease. Additionally, Ashkenazi Jews are at increased risk to have mutations in certain cancer genes, and about 10% of all cancers are hereditary.
Today, more and more Jewish individuals are making use of genetic screening and counseling to ensure their health and the health of their future generations. Through home mail-in kits at subsidized costs, JScreen Detroit is helping to save lives by detecting preventable hereditary cancers and genetic diseases, educating the Jewish community about their prevalence, and connecting them to local resources.
With JScreen, genetic testing is accurate, affordable and confidential.
Our comprehensive, at-home saliva tests will equip you with the information you need to take control of your health.
Jews are at a significantly higher risk for carrying life-threatening genetic diseases and hereditary cancer gene mutations. The only way to identify these carriers is to perform genetic testing.
Reproductive carrier screening can help determine an individual’s or couple’s risk of having a child with an inherited genetic disease, while cancer genetic testing can alert you to possible cancer risks before symptoms develop. Those who test positive may take steps to prevent cancer from developing, or to detect it at an early, treatable stage.
A screening through JScreen Detroit is available to all individuals and couples living in Metro Detroit who are seeking knowledge about their genetic risks. This includes individuals with a known Jewish background, those who are unsure of their Jewish ancestry, those of all denominations, interfaith couples, and LGBTQ+ individuals and couples.
The reproductive carrier screening is for individuals ages 18 to 45 and the cancer genetic screening is for those ages 21 and up.
Thanks to JFamily and the generosity of the Lacey Foon Family Fund and the A. Alfred Taubman Foundation, the JScreen program fees are being highly subsidized for the Detroit Jewish community as follows:
- ReproGEN reproductive genetic screening: $18 (normally $49) – Use code jscreenDetroit18
- CancerGEN cancer genetic screening: $18 (normally $49) – Use code jscreenDetroit18
- ReproGEN and CancerGEN combo: $54 (normally $299) – Use code jscreenDetroit18
All prices are before insurance. Please see for detailed information on pricing and FAQs.
Program fees listed are based on individuals who provide any health insurance (regardless of coverage or deductibles). Individuals without health insurance can use the codes listed above and then apply for financial aid on the checkout page.
Simply choose your test type and complete the registration form, using the appropriate codes (provided above) at checkout. Then, be sure to open all secure email communications from JScreen and follow the instructions provided.
When all information is received, a kit will be shipped to your address. Collect your saliva sample and send it to the lab using the prepaid envelope provided.
You’ll receive your results in two to four weeks via a telehealth appointment with a genetic counselor.
“This powerful program is going to save lives.”
Questions? Please email Stephanie Erez [email protected].
Thanks to JFamily and the generosity of the Lacey Foon Family Fund and the A. Alfred Taubman Foundation, the JScreen program fees are being highly subsidized for the Detroit Jewish community.