
JCC Maccabi Games – Detroit Delegation – 2025 Registration

Welcome to the 2025 Detroit JCC Maccabi Delegation deposit page! This page is exclusively for making a deposit. Information about evaluation dates will be forthcoming. If the athlete is not confirmed after evaluations, you will receive a refund. The Games are taking place in two host communities, Tucson, AZ (July 27-August 1, 2025) and Pittsburgh, ...

Volleyball Athlete Informational Meeting

CALLING ALL VOLLEYBALL ATHLETES! If you are a Jewish Athlete age 13-17, Detroit JCC Maccabi is looking for you! Please come to this VOLLEYBALL SPECIFIC informational meeting to learn about traveling to JCC Maccabi 2025. *Athletes must be 13-17 years old between the date range July 27th - August 8th, 2025, to participate. Reach ...